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Chopsticks for Salamanders
Chopsticks For Salamanders is a conservation initiative started in 2011 that promotes forest stewardship and salamander conservation. The goals of this program are:
To disseminate information about the production of disposable chopsticks
To increase awareness about salamander diversity in the United States
To raise money for salamander conservation, education and research
Why Reuse Chopsticks?
3.8 million trees are felled each year to supply timber for the disposable chopsticks industry
Deforestation for the production of disposable chopsticks is an international problem and comes with the loss of critical animal habitat
Disposable chopsticks cost approximately two cents a pair for restaurants and reusable chopsticks cost around $1.17 a pair. However, reusable chopsticks have a life span of about 130 meals, making them cheaper in comparison.
In 2006, to combat massive deforestation in China, the “Bring Your own Chopsticks (BYOC)” movement was developed, helping raise public awareness and eventually galvanizing legislative action.
Disposable chopsticks are an unnecessary commodity that, much like plastic bags, have an environmental friendly counterpart.

Northern Red Salamander (Pseudotriton ruber ruber) by Matt Neff

Why Save Salamanders?
Salamanders are the most abundant vertebrate in many forest floor ecosystems and consume vast amounts of insects and other invertebrates
Salamanders are indicators of environmental health and help scientists better mitigate threats facing ecosystems
The Appalachian Mountains range from Canada to Alabama and are home to the highest diversity of salamanders in the world.
Appalachia is currently threated by mountain top removal mining, encroaching development, pollution, and intensive logging.
Seal Salamander (Desmognathus monticola) by Matt Neff
How Can YOU Help?
Bring your own chopsticks (BYOC) when dining out
Talk to local restaurant owners about changing over to reusable or washable chopsticks
Support FCSal by spreading the word and purchasing your own pair of reusable chopsticks today!

Yonahlossee Salamander (Plethodon yonahlossee) by Matt Neff
If your organization is interested in a bulk purchase of reusable chopsticks, please contact us at
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